May 24, 2011

On the Table: Honey Balsamic Turnips

I love root vegetables because they are really durable, so they can stand up to a decent duration of storage.  More delicate vegetables start to wilt after just a few days, but the root veggies can endure the long haul!  Plus, they produce nice hearty dishes.  I had some turnips in the refrigerator, so I decided to make a really simple side dish.  Now, simple does not mean fast in this case, but most of the cooking time is very hands-off.  Turnips can be a bit bitter (well, a lot bitter), but in this dish, the sweetness of the honey helps to balances the bitterness of the turnips.  To prepare:

Roast four small turnips in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes, or until a paring knife can be easily inserted into the biggest turnip.  Remove the turnips from the oven and let them cool until they are cool enough that you can handle them easily.

Peel the turnips and dice them into half inch pieces.

Put a saute pan over medium heat and melt half a tablespoon of butter in the pan.  Add the turnips to the pan and cook until the turnips start to brown.  Add into the pan half a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, and a dash of salt.  Stir thoroughly to combine, and taste and adjust seasoning.


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