August 22, 2011

On the Table: Peanut Butter Brownies

Even though I try to cook with local, seasonal ingredients and make lots and lots of things from scratch, I make one major exception - brownie mix!  There is really nothing like brownies from a mix - making them from scratch is not the same.  So I guess that is my confession for the week :) 

Anyway, I decided to make brownies the other day, but I wanted to spruce them up a little bit.  I got this recipe from my sister (thanks Caitlin!), and it is delicious!!  My kitchen smelled like brownies and peanut butter cookies at the same time...a dangerous combination!  To prepare:

Preheat oven based on the directions on the brownie mix.  Mix up the brownie batter based on the recipe directions.  I used this mix:

In a separate bowl, beat together the following: 2/3 of a cup of confectioners sugar, 1/2 of a cup of peanut butter, 2 tablespoons of butter, and 1/4 of a teaspoon of vanilla.

Spray or butter a baking dish (I thought a small one worked well - I used an 8x8 pan).  Layer the batters - half of the brownie mix, with the peanut butter mix on top, then the other half of the brownie mix on top of that.

Bake according to the directions for the brownie mix (you will probably want to use the shorter end of the cooking time, but it will really depend on your oven and how well-done you like your brownies).  Let the brownies cool slightly before trying to cut them!

Super-easy and delicious!!  Enjoy!

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