August 6, 2011

Out and About: The National Archives

I try to take advantage of the fact that I live just outside DC and attend cultural events when possible.  Needless to say, the events that draw my attention tend to be food-related.  The National Archives has an exhibit open now called "What's Cooking, Uncle Sam," which discusses food and cooking in American history.  They also have events that relate to the exhibit.  I had been unable to attend some earlier events, but yesterday I made it to a discussion of "A White House Garden Cookbook."  Author Clara Silverstein spoke about the book and the historical significance of the Obamas' White House Garden (it is the first vegetable garden at the White House since Eleanor Roosevelt's victory garden and it features a Thomas Jefferson bed, with plants grown from seeds from Monticello - who knew?!  plus, they have a BEE HIVE!), and mentioned a number of community gardens and childrens' gardening programs around the country.  I decided not to get a copy of the cookbook, but it sounds like it would be fantastic for families with children, as it discusses both gardening and cooking.

I will definitely go back to the National Archives - I want to go see the "What's Cooking" exhibit, and there are a number of upcoming events that sound really interesting.  If anyone lives in the area (or will be visiting!), here is the link to their upcoming events:

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